Getting Started With


In this article, we will be looking into how to get started with the platform.

We are going to teach you how to:

  • create an account
  • create a course
  • upload lessons
  • integrate with a payment gateway
  • publish your course 
  • customize your certificate

Step 1: Create an account with

Set up a free URL and set up your website: This URL would be the custom name of your website online.

With this, anyone can search for your course and would be taken directly to it. This URL would look like this - - after it has been created.

Step 2: Create a course

1. Choose your course title and write a short description of it: For every course that you want to make available online, there must be a title. 

After this title, add a catchy phrase that would draw the attention of your target audience.

2. Divide your course into sections to make learning easier for your students.

3. Pick each section that you have created and add your content: Here, you can select the mode through which you would like to primarily teach. For the purpose of this tutorial, we will be making use of the audio-only lesson.

4. Upload your audio file and add a thumbnail. Then, save your lesson.

Step 3: Choose the landing page for your course

Here, you have the free rein to add as many features to your course as you would like.

You can add a course image, a lesson icon, review your course title, add a course author, a description of your course, features you would like to add to your course, and FAQs for your students.

Step 4: Activate your payment gateways.

After activating your payment gateways, set up the price of your course and if coupons can be used: Here, you also get to specify if it would be a free course. 

Kindly follow the steps highlighted in this link to activate Stripe and integrate PayPal.

Step 5: Add a welcome address.

Through this, you get more personal with your students and give them an insight into what they should expect from the course.

Step 6: Publish your course.

Go back to Step 2 and number 4, where you created your first lesson, and click publish.

Afterward, move to the Publish menu and ensure that all the requirements have been ticked. Afterward, click publish

After clicking “publish,” you would be taken to another page where you would have to set your course path: Note that this course path must look like this: how-to-make-totes-bag.

Step 7: Create your certificate

Move to the last option on the menu to set your certificate image and title. 

Kindly refer to this link for steps on how to customize your certificates.

Congratulations! You have just published your first online course.

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