Checklist to successfully publish a course on

When you create a course on your website and are satisfied with the lessons you have created, the next step would be to publish the course.

However, there are checklists that you need to fulfill before you can successfully publish your course.

Without completing these checklists, your course will remain a draft. These checklists are:

Set course title

As we all know that every course must have a title, so you also need one to publish your course.

The course title is updated at the beginning of the process of creating your course, so its box comes ticked as seen in the image above.

In case you want to change your course title, you can update it under Courses => Edit => Landing page.

Set course subtitle

Subtitles are text that makes the main title easier to understand for readers. This can be something that further explains the title of your courses, and you can update this under Courses => Edit => Landing page.

Add course authors

Every course must have an author, so you must have at least 1-course author uploaded before you can publish your course. You can upload this under Courses => Edit => Landing page => scroll down.

Add course features

Course features are benefits that students stand to gain when they take your course, and they show under the course sales page.

Before you can successfully publish your course, you need to upload at least 4-course features. You can do this under Courses => Edit => Landing page => scroll down => add a new course feature.

Set course long description

This long description explains what your course entails. This is like a blurb that your students read to decide if they would be purchasing the course after all, so you have to make it as enticing as possible.

You can write this under Courses => Edit => Landing page => scroll down => Long description.

Note: You can refer to this link for more information about how to design your course sales page.

Set course price

Inasmuch as you are not hiding your course, making it private or free, every course must have a price and this price needs to be updated before you can publish the course.

You can update your course price under Courses => Edit => Price and coupons.

Set up payments with Stripe or PayPal

If you are going to be selling your courses directly on your platform, you have to integrate your website with either Stripe or PayPal, as those are the supported payment gateways.

Kindly refer to the steps in these links to activate Stripe and integrate PayPal into your website.

Upload and publish lessons

For every course, there must be lessons under it. All these lessons need to be successfully updated and published one after the other before you can successfully publish the whole course.

This can be done under Courses => Edit => Lessons => Upload your lessons => Save and publish each of them.

After these checklists have been fulfilled, then, you can publish your course.

Please, refer to this link for steps on how to publish a course.

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