List All Courses REST Endpoint

This endpoint returns all your courses to your account on the platform.

This includes all courses; published, unpublished, drafts, etc.

You can call this endpoint with a GET HTTP request to /api/pabbly-tenant-courses

The root endpoint is


To submit a successful GET request, you need to provide the correct value in the x-integration-token HTTP header. 

You can obtain your x-integration-token by signing in with your Admin account to, and then going to   Admin >> Setting >> Pabbly Integrations >> Activate. 

See here for detailed instructions: Where to find your Pabbly Integration Token

Required Headers

Make sure that you fill in these headers when calling this endpoint:

- Accept: application/json

- X-INTEGRATION-TOKEN: put here your Zapier integration token

Sample Response

The HTTP response will be an array of course objects. And here is a sample HTTP response that you will get after a successful call to this endpoint:



"id": "23dsrdfdf",

"course": "How to win friends"



"id": "SCdfddSDGDF",

"course": "Setting up your online business"



Description Of Properties

Attribute                                           Type                                        Description

id                                                    string                                       This is the unique course identifier
course                                            string                                       This is the course title

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