How to use Vimeo as a video hosting provider

In, we offer you the option to uploading videos on our platform. But if you prefer to host the videos in YouTube, Vimeo or anywhere else, we support that too.

This tutorial teaches you how to host your videos on Vimeo.

To upload a Vimeo link to your website, you need to ensure the video is public, and the URL generated is valid.

To do this, login to your Vimeo dashboard => click the video in question => at the top right-hand side, click Unlisted, and scroll down the side panel to click Public.

After making the video public, you can then copy the link and go back to your platform to paste it.

You can copy the link from the share button by clicking Share by your top right-hand side => and clicking Copy Link. Please note that this share link is the only acceptable link.

You can refer to this link for more information on how to create a video lesson using the Vimeo URL.

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