How to activate a permanent discount for your courses
Pricing psychology plays a crucial role in how potential students perceive the value of your course.
One simple, yet effective strategy is to display a permanent discount on your course sales page, without the need for a coupon code.
By showing a higher original price crossed out next to a discounted price, you create the perception of a better deal—without actually reducing your revenue.
To do this on your OnlineCourseHost website, login to your website, click Courses => Edit Course => => Price and Coupons => and Activate Permanent Discount.
Under your Course Price, insert the price you want to show to your students after a discount has been applied.
Inside the Undiscounted Price box, insert the total price of the course before a discount is applied.
Afterward, scroll down, and click Save Changes.
Note: The undiscounted price must be greater than the actual course price.
After these changes have been made, the course sales page will be displayed like this to your students.
Note: You can still use a course coupon code on a course with a permanent discounted price. Whatever discount you place on the course coupon would be applied to the course price, after the permanent discount has been activated.