Overview of the Analytics Sales Section
The analytics sales page is where you will see all the revenue you have made since you started your online school, and the one you are currently making per month.
This information will be listed according to the number of courses sold, and subscription, bundle, community room and community plan purchased.
You will also see all the courses you have sold, according to their payment methods, and the number of students who have purchased each course.
Under this screen, below are the information you will be privy to:
- All time Sales Report.
- Revenue per Month.
- Revenue per Payment Type and Top 5 Course Promotions.
- Payment Gateway Detailed Analytics.
- Revenue per Course.
To review your sales analytics, login to your website => click Admin => scroll down to Analytics => and click Sales. For a new website without any transactions, below is the overview of the sales page.
All Sales Report
This screen shows the total revenue you have made on your platform since the day you purchased purchased a plan. It also shows the total number of courses you have sold so far.
Further down, this screen highlights your revenue in a table that shows the revenue you make on your platform per year/current year in real-time.
By the vertical side (Y-axis), you have the sales value evolution overtime, which is how sales revenue changes over a specific period while the horizontal side (X-axis) shows the months of the current year. Therefore, when you place your cursor in the green line on each month, you will get a bold overview of how much you have made that month on all your platform's payment avenue.
Also, you can filter the table by payment type: course purchased, subscription, bundle purchased, team subscription, lifetime subscription, community plan, and community room plan, by ticking the box in front of each payment type.
These payment types have different colors for easier identification, and the whole table can be downloaded in CSV (Excel sheet).
Revenue Per Month
This screen will show you how much revenue you make per month, the total course sold, number of new students, and the total amount made. It will show you these details from the latest month to the month you started your platform. You can also export a CSV of all the months.
When you click Details in front of each month, you will be redirected a page where you will get a breakdown of all the revenue you made that month, according to the payment type, promotional course coupon, each course sold, monthly revenue, and total course sold.
Then, when you scroll down, you will see your Orders page, according to the transaction date, student, payment type, payment gateway, coupon code, and amount of sale. You can also get a CSV export of this orders page.
Revenue Per Payment Type and Top 5 Course Promotions
On this screen, you will see how much you have made per payment type, and your top 5 course coupons. This way, you know know your best performing course coupon codes, and the payment type that is generating the most revenue for you.
Note: This revenue by payment type is broken down in colors, and shown in actual figures, according to their percentage, and your currency.
Payment Gateway Detailed Analytics
Here, you will find an analysis on how much you have made, in percentage and actual figure, from each payment gateway on your platform - Stripe and PayPal.
By clicking the Go To Stripe Analytics and Go To PayPal Analytics buttons, you will be redirected to your Stripe and PayPal dashboards.
Note: Purple has been used to represent Stripe, while blue has been used for PayPal.
Revenue Per Course
This page highlights the revenue you've made on each course. It lists all the premium/paid courses on your platform, the number of students that have purchased them, and the total amount you've made on each course.
When you click Analytics in front of each course, you will be redirected to a page where you will see the total course revenue, and total course sold. You will also see a table that shows you the total course sold, total sales, and total promotional coupon sales.
You can disable the buttons in front of the three options if you only want to see the total course sold or another option. You can also download a CSV file of this table.
Note: these three options: total course sold, total sales, and total promotional coupon sales - are color coded for easier identification as well.
Then, when you scroll down, you will see your Orders page, according to the transaction date, student, payment type, payment gateway, coupon code, and amount of sale. You can also get a CSV export of this orders page.