Analytics Overview

An online school goes beyond selling courses to students, as course creators want to be able to manage their orders, and sales and also engage with their students.

This is where the OnlineCourseHost Analytics screen comes in. The Analytics feature has been designed to help course creators follow up on their students' activities.

In general, the Analytics feature will show the following:

  • Track learner progress in both lessons and courses.
  • Completed courses or courses that may be overdue.
  • Log in analytics.
  • How much the course earned over time.

Sections of the Analytics Feature

This feature is further divided into three sections:

Sales: This is where you will see all the revenue you have made or are making in your online school. You will also see all the courses you have sold, according to their payment methods, and the number of students who have purchased each course.

Orders: Here is where you will see the details of the transactions that have taken place on your website according to transaction date, student's name, course title, payment type, payment gateway, and course/subscription price.

Engagement: Here is where you engage with your students' activities on the website. Under the engagement section, you can see all your students, the minutes of lessons they took, the time they viewed your lessons, if they passed their quizzes, etc.

Note: The Sales and Engagement Sections are still being developed, so they have not been deployed yet. However, the Orders section is available.

Looking to learn more about the Analytics Feature?

Check out all our available analytics guides in our help center:

Analytics Help Center Docs

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