FAQs about School Details Buttons

Below are the functionalities of the Edit School details buttons:

Activate Home Page: When this is toggled it activates or deactivates a homepage on your website that can be customized by you and your users can see when they log into your website.

Disable All Lessons Tab: When this button is toggled it hides the All Lessons Tab from the top menu of your website, as a result, users cannot see this tab.

Disable Contact Page: When this button is toggled it deactivates the Contact page on the top menu of your website. The Contact page is meant for users to contact you via the email address you input in your School Details screen in the Admin area.

Disable Subscriptions Screen: When this button is toggled it deactivates the subscriptions screen, hence removing the option for users to pay via memberships to your website.

Please note that this screen can be active but won't work or be visible to students if Stripe isn't active on your website.

Disable My Certificates Screen: My Certificates Screen is a page on the student's dashboard where all certificates to all the courses they have enrolled in can be seen.

When this button is disabled, it hides the "My Certificate" Screen that can only be seen by your students.

Disable Student Comments (on lessons): Students can comment on each lesson in a course by clicking the "Ask a New Question" button under the lesson. By disabling the Student comments, students can no longer comment under each lesson in your course(s).

Disable Google Sign-In: This prevents users from signing into your website using the Google sign-in option, rather it leaves them with only the email and password sign-in.

Disable Email/password Sign In: Just like the Google sign-in button, disabling this option prevents your users from signing in using the email/password option but only leaves them with the Google sign-in option.

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