How to customize logos

In this article, we will go over customizing your website logos, which include:

  • Uploading a favicon
  • Uploading a top menu logo

  • Uploading a footer logo
  • Uploading a login page logo

Uploading a Favicon

A favicon is a graphic image (icon) that is associated with your website. It acts as a visual reminder of a website's identity in the address bar or tabs. 

Most businesses use a smaller version of their logo as a favicon to increase brand awareness and visibility.

Here is an example of's favicon:

1. You can upload your favicon under the Admin => Settings => General => Branding screen.

2. Here, you'll see favicon under the logos screen. 

3. Click on the Choose Icon button.

4. Once you have your favicon, go ahead and upload it. 

NOTE: This step requires that you have your favicon ready. The best way to create a favicon is to use a favicon generator like Realfavicongenerator, or Favicongenerator.

Course creators can upload an icon that they have in an image, and get a favicon package generated for them.

The maximum Icon size must be 50px.

Uploading a Top Menu Logo

The top menu logo is a reflection of your brand, and it will show on your header.

To upload this logo, login to your website and click Admin => Settings => General => Branding => scroll down to the Logos section and click the Choose Icon button in front of the top menu logo to upload your logo.

After uploading the logo, it will be displayed like this:

Uploading a Footer Logo

The footer logo is an image (icon) at the bottom of every page on your website. 

Your website footer is centered on information concerning your brand where users can go to track down links related to your brand, contact details, legal documents, etc. 

Therefore, it is recommended that you make your brand logo visible to your users in the footer of your website.  

Here is an example of a footer logo in

1. You can upload your footer logo under the Admin => Settings => General => Branding screen.

2. Here you'll see the footer Logo under the Logos screen. 

3. Click on the Choose Icon button.

4. Proceed to upload your footer logo. 

Uploading a Login Page Logo

The login page logo is used to identify your platform, and assure your students that they are indeed creating an account on your website.

To upload this logo, login to your website and click Admin => Settings => General => Branding => scroll down to the Logos section and click the Choose Icon button in front of the login page logo to upload your logo.

After uploading the logo, it will be displayed like this:

Note: You can always delete these logos by using the bin icon beside them.

Congratulations on customizing your website logos!

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